Windows 7 Beta 1 Build 7000 On BitTorrent Leaked and NamiPan Download

December 28, 2008 at 11:58 am (Beta, Bittorent, Microsoft, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Windows 7, Namipan, Windows 7)

Windows 7 beta 1 DVD ISO Torrent Download has been leaked. Tthe leak has been from Chinese County as well as Windows 7 Beta 1 has build 7000 (6.1.7000.0). Good news is that the Windows 7 Beta 1 Build 7000 is available as DVD ISO image which far easier to install. it’s a bit more stable than the versions people have been playing with for a few months. Hit the links below to get a copy, if you’re OK with the fact that you’re technically not supposed to have this just yet.
[My Digital Life via BlogsDNA via Technovedad via Download Squad]


To download the Windows 7 Beta1 full ISO image, download the following torrent to download the content in any BT client:

Demonoid Link:
Mininova Link: 7000 [mininova].torrent

Another alternative way to download is by using Namipan file hosting (net disk or web drive space) service. Namipan is a China based file hosting service. As the Windows 7 Beta1 full DVD ISO is in hot demand, the HTTP download has been disabled. Thus, those who intends to download the ISO through Namipan must download NamiRobot (some interface in English, mostly in Chinese), which also serves as a peer-to-peer (P2P) downloader. Download and install the NamiRobot by using one of the direct download links below:
via (my digital life) links

The beta expires July 1, 2009

Update: ZDNet also has a look at the beta over here, and they concur that it’s pretty good:

# This beta is of excellent quality. This is the kind of code that you could roll out and live with. Even the pre-betas were solid, but finally this beta feels like it’s “done.” This beta exceeds the quality of any other Microsoft OS beta that I’ve handled.


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